Saturday, February 10, 2018

Feb 2018

I am going to try to post once a month with an update on my quilting journey.  Part of that is to post a list of 5 quilting and 5 crafting projects I am working on and update it.

1.  Scrappy Bargello for Aunt Phil - step 1, 2 of 3 sections sewed together.
2.  Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt -  Fabrics are picked out.
3.  Kindred Pinwheel blocks for Sept Block Swap - 10 of 30 done
4.  Dream Weaver Quilt - 42 blocks done, next step sashing
5.  Wallhanging for me.  1 of 4 sections done.  Quilt as you go

Craft Items
1.  Plastic Bagholders - 20 done, 10 to go
2.  Bowl Cozys
3.  Med whole cloth hot pads
4.  Large pieced hot pads.
5.  Placemats - bind 2 a month

I had a wonderful time at the Indiana State Quilt Guild Retreat the last week of January.  Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company taught 2 classes and had a trunk show.

1st class was Kindred Pinwheel.  I completed 10 blocks. Have 20 to go...they are all cut out.  These Blocks will be swapped with other quilters that will be at the Quilt Retreat I am going to the end of Sept that is in Nebraska.
2nd class was Dream Weaver.  I finished 42 blocks for this quilt.  They look awesome. next step us sashing.
Before and after I worked on a Quilt-as-you-go project that has been ongoing for a while.  It is placemats but I have decided to make them into a wallhanging for me.  I have wanted a new one for on my wall for a while now.

02-10-18  Artisan Craft Market today.  I took my sewing machine and made plastic bagholders while I was there.  It is always interesting to see what I sell when I go to a craft market. held true that the most sold item was what I was working on while I was there.  Ha! Ha! Bagholders!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Welcome to my Quilting Blog!  
The start of my next step out into the internet world.
Whoo hoo!